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Determining Internal Table Names

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 While there is a systematic methodology for determining internal table names, it can be a daunting skill to master.  By far, the easiest method for determining an internal table name is to use the Office Connector function wizard.  

The Easy Way

The following steps illustrate the simplest method for determining an internal table name:
  1. Set the active cell to an unused location
  2. Click the  Count Wizard toolbar button.
  3. Select the desired table and click Finish.
  4. The internal table name is listed as the first parameter of the TSCount formula.

For Large Tables

Some tables, especially transaction tables, can contain a very large number of records.  In these cases, it may take a significant amount of time for the TSCount function to return a value.  To avoid loading the entire table to get just the table name, you can use the following trick:
  1. Set the active cell to an unused location
  2. Click the  Count Wizard toolbar button.
  3. Select the desired table and click Next.
  4. Check the Show advanced view box.
  5. Paste the following text into the large text box: Where 1=0
  6. Click Finish.
  7. The internal table name is listed as the first parameter of the TSCount formula.

See Also

Content updated 12/4/2012

Copyright © 2012 Event 1 Software, Inc.  This documentation may not be copied in full or in part without written permission from Event 1 Software, Inc.