Event 1 Integrator Help

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Forecast Settings - General

Settings / Forecast Settings - General Tab
The settings on this tab of the Forecast Settings window control how the fields on the Forecasting tab of the Budget window in Prolog Manager are to be populated.

Forecast Cost

Update Forecast Cost

Check this box if you want to update the Prolog Forecast Cost or Percent(%) fields.  If this box is not checked, none of the options in this section have an effect.

Financial Column (Calculation Basis)

This field determines how the Select Financial Column field will be populated.  If the field to be updated by Integrator is the Percent(%) field, this selection determines if and how the Forecast Cost field will be calculated by utilizing the value for the field selected here and the Calculation Method.  If the field to be updated by Integrator is the Forecast Cost field, tihs selection determines if and how the Percent(%) field will be calculated based on the field selected here and the Calculation Method.  The available options mirror those provided in Prolog Manager for this field.  The field name that is selected here will determine which field value in the Prolog Manager database will be used as the calculation basis.
  • N/A
  • Original Budget
  • Current Budget
  • Projected Budget
  • Total Committed Costs
  • Projected Cost
  • Actual Cost To Date
  • Actual Cost To Complete

Field to update

This setting determines which Prolog Manager field will receive the value from the Source Timberline Field.  The available options for this setting are:
  • Percent(%)
  • Forecast Cost

Calculation method

This setting determines the type of mathematical operation that should be performed to calculate either the Forecast Cost or Percent(%) field.  This value will determine whether the Multiply or Divide radio button is selected in Prolog.  The available options for this setting are:
  • Multiply
  • Divide

Source Timberline Field

This setting identifies the name of the Timberline data filed that should be used to populate the field in Prolog Manager identified by the Field to update setting.  The available choices for this setting are:
  • Category - Msc cat amt 1
  • Category - Msc cat amt 2
  • Category - Msc cat amt 3
  • Category - Msc cat amt 4
  • Category - Percent Complete
  • Cost Code - Msc CC amt 1
  • Cost Code - Msc CC amt 2
  • Cost Code - Msc CC amt 3
  • Cost Code - Msc CC amt 4
  • Cost Code - Msc CC amt 5
  • Cost Code - Msc CC amt 6
  • Cost Code - Percent Complete
Note - The names of the above fields may be different depending on field name customizations you have made to your Timberline database.

Projected Quantity

Update Projected Quantity

Check this box to if you want the Projected Qty field in Prolog to be populated using a field value from Timberline.  Integrator does not actually write directly to this field.  Instead, the difference between the Timberline value and the Prolog Current Budget Qty field is written to the Prolog Forecast Adj Qty field.  Prolog then recalculates the Projected Qty field so that it is equal to Current Budget Qty + Forecast Adj Qty.

Source Timberline Field

This setting identifies the name of the Timberline data filed that should be used.  The available choices for this setting are:
  • Category - Msc cat amt 1
  • Category - Msc cat amt 2
  • Category - Msc cat amt 3
  • Category - Msc cat amt 4
  • Category - Percent Complete
  • Cost Code - Msc CC amt 1
  • Cost Code - Msc CC amt 2
  • Cost Code - Msc CC amt 3
  • Cost Code - Msc CC amt 4
  • Cost Code - Msc CC amt 5
  • Cost Code - Msc CC amt 6
  • Cost Code - Percent Complete
Note - The names of the above fields may be different depending on field name customizations you have made to your Timberline database.


If you ave selected a cost code field as the Source Timberline Field for either Forecast Cost or Projected Qty or if you have checked the Update Quantity To Date box, this setting applies.  This setting exists because there could more than one Prolog budget code related to a given Timberline cost code.  This is because multiple categories may exist under a given cost code.  Use this field to identify a specific Timberline category ID for which the Timberline Field value should be transferred.  Other categories for the same cost code will be skipped.  If this field is left blank, all budget codes related to the same cost code will receive the same Timberline value.

Update Quantity To Date

Check this box if you want the Prolog Qty To Date field to equal the Timberline JTD Production Units field.  Integrator does not write directly to this field.  Instead, the difference between the Timberline JTD Production Units field and the Prolog Contract Invoice Qty field is written to the Additional Expended Qty field.  Prolog then recalculates the Qty To Date field so that it equals Contract Invoice Qty + Additional Expended Qty.

See Also

Content updated 5/25/2011

Copyright © 2011 Event 1 Software, Inc.  This documentation may not be copied in full or in part without written permission from Event 1 Software, Inc.