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Write Results Report

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 After sending your approved changes to Timberline, a report is generated to recap the results of the operation.

Location of the Report

The report is saved under the Event 1 System Folder under OC2\WriteReports\.  The report name is generated automatically using the current date in the format of Written_YYYY_MM_DD.htm.  If a file with that name already exists, then a number is appended to the file name according to the sequence in which it was run.


T:\Event1\OC2\WriteReports\Construction Sample Data\Written_2008_11_24(2).htm

Report Heading

The top of the report contains a grid that indicates the data folder on which the write operation was run, the Timberline Operator ID of the person who executed the write operation, the name and location of the Excel workbook that was used to execute the write operation, and the date and time that the operation took place.

Report Detail

The report is grouped by record (table name).  The heading indicates which table is being written to and the sub headings indicate which records were created or updated.  Under each subheading is a grid of data indicating the records that were affected.  Each row in the grid represents a row in the table.  The first column shows the key fields and the values supplied for each.  The following three columns show each field updated, the value that was sent and the result of the operation.  If the result was an error, then a link is generated such that the error number links to a web page with more information.

Maintaining Reports

Event 1 recommends periodically moving the reports into Zip archives to reduce clutter while still maintaining a history of Write operations.

See Also

Content updated 12/4/2012

Copyright © 2012 Event 1 Software, Inc.  This documentation may not be copied in full or in part without written permission from Event 1 Software, Inc.