Event 1 Integrator Help

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Unattended Execution

Integration tasks can be performed unattended (with no user interaction) by using the IRUN.EXE program that installs with Integrator.  Unlike the Integrator.exe which provides the application window, menu bars and toolbars, the IRUN.EXE only provides very basic user interface that displays task progress.

IRUN has a number of command line arguments that determine the specific integration tasks to be performed.  Each argument is followed by an equal sign and then the value inside quotes.  Arguments are separated by spaces.

Command line arguments

Connection name.  This must be a valid connection name that would appear in the "File / Open Connection" window.
User name for connecting to the SQL Server.  If this is not supplied, Integrator will check to see if a SQL Server user name was stored in the connection file.  If so, that will be used.  If this argument is not supplied and one was not stored in the connection file, the default user name of "sa" will be used.
This is the password related to the user name for the SQL Server connection.  This value must be supplied in encrypted format.  The Automation Wizard will automatically encrypt this property when buiding the command line.  There is no other means to derrive the encrypted password.
If this argument is not supplied, Integrator will utilize the stored password from the connection file.  If no password was stored in the connection file, Integrator will attempt to use a blank password to make the connection.
User name for connecting to Prolog Manager.  If this is not supplied, Integrator will check to see if a Prolog Manager user name was stored in the connection file.  If so, that will be used.  If this argument is not supplied and one was not stored in the connection file, the default user name of "Admin" will be used.
This is the password related to the user name for Prolog Manager.  This value must be supplied in encrypted format.  The Automation Wizard will automatically encrypt this property when buiding the command line.  There is no other means to derrive the encrypted password.
If this argument is not supplied, Integrator will utilize the stored password from the connection file.  If no password was stored in the connection file, Integrator will attempt to use a blank password to make the connection.
User name for connecting to Sage Timberline Office.  If this is not supplied, Integrator will check to see if a Sage Timberline Office user name was stored in the connection file.  If so, that will be used.
If this argument is not supplied and one was not stored in the connection file, Integrator will attempt to connect with no use rname.
This is the password related to the user name for Sage Timberline Office.  This value must be supplied in encrypted format.  The Automation Wizard will automatically encrypt this property when buiding the command line.  There is no other means to derrive the encrypted password.
If this argument is not supplied, Integrator will utilize the stored password from the connection file.  If no password was stored in the connection file, Integrator will attempt to use a blank password to make the connection.
This argument specifies the types of data to be exchanged.  If the value "ALL" is specified then all types that have been configured for the connection will be processed.  If selected types are desired, the following values can be included in a comma separated list:
  • 1 = Vendors / Companies
  • 2 = Cost Codes / Budget Codes
  • 4 = Estimates / Budgets
  • 8 = Commitments / Contracts
  • 16 = Commitment COs / Subcontract COs
  • 32 = Costs / General or Contract Invoices
  • 64 = Extras
  • 128 = Estimates (Prolog to Timberline)
  • 256 = Forecast
If this argument is not supplied, the default value of "ALL" will be used.
This argument specifies which jobs (from the list of registered jobs) should be included in the exchange of data.  The value "ALL" indicates that all jobs currently registered to the connection should be included.  If a subset of jobs is desired, this argument should consist of a comma separated list of job numbers.
If this argument is not supplied, the default value of "ALL" will be used.
This argument specifies whether the 'Determine Modifications' task should be run.  The value for this arument must be one of the following:
  • TRUE
  • YES
  • 1
  • NO
  • 0
If this argument is not supplied, the default value of "TRUE" will be used.
This argument specifies whether the 'Perform Modifications' task should be run.  The value for this arument must be one of the following:
  • TRUE
  • YES
  • 1
  • NO
  • 0
If this argument is not supplied, the default value of "TRUE" will be used.
This argument specifies whether the task progress window should appear as minimized or displayed normally while tasks are being executed.  The valid values for this argument are:
  • TRUE
  • YES
  • 1
  • NO
  • 0
If this argument is not supplied, the default value of "TRUE" will be used.

Mapped Network Drives & Windows Task Scheduler

In certain environments, mapped network drives that are needed for access to Timberline may not be available to a task being run via Windows Scheduled Tasks.  Even though the drives may be mapped as part of the profile for the user account the task is being run under, these drives may not be connected at the time the task is run.  In this case, it is possible to overcome the issue by adding statements to the batch file that force the connection of the mapped drive.  This is done using the "NET USE" command.

Example:    NET USE T: "\\MyServer\Applications"

This statement would be placed in the batch file prior to the line that runs the IRUN.EXE program.

See Also

Content updated 5/24/2011

Copyright © 2011 Event 1 Software, Inc.  This documentation may not be copied in full or in part without written permission from Event 1 Software, Inc.