Edit SQL

When the Edit SQL toolbar button is clicked and the currently selected cell is within the result-range of a query, the Edit SQL window will be displayed showing the SQL statement of the query. If the currently selected cell is not within the result-range of a query, the Select QueryTable will be displayed allowing you to select the query you wish to view or edit in the Edit SQL window.

The Edit SQL displays the SQL statement of the query as plain text. Any changes that you make to the SQL statement must adhere to the SQL syntax that is supported by the database that will be queried.

If your query contains parameters and you modify parts of the query that appear after the WHERE clause, you will be prompted to re-select the parameter cells for each parameter when you save your changes to the query.


Dismisses this window and then updates the query to use the new SQL statement and then refreshes the query.


Dismisses this window without changing the query.